Prédispositions génétiques?

Publié le par member RJP

Prédispositions génétiques?

"Kandun said victims in every one of the 7 [presumptive] clusters were blood  relatives -- which gives credence to a theory that people who are infected  by the H5N1 are genetically predisposed to it due to a unique make-up of  their respiratory tracts. "Maybe they have genetic susceptibility," he  said.

Another observation that backs up the theory is that spouses were  never infected even though they had close contact with the Sumatran  victims. "If you look at 2 wives in the family, they were very close to the  sick members and they are not sick," Kandun said. "If efficient  human-to-human transmission was happening, nurses and other contact persons  must be sick."

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